What precautions to take after eye injections

Some protocols may differ from center to center. Few common points are:

  • Generally eye is patched for 2 hours
  • To avoid any water into the injected eye for 48-72 hours( avoid head bath)
  • Antibiotics may or may not be used( depends on doctor and center)
  • To report immediately to treating surgeon in case of sudden pain, redness and visual loss

Why is there a cost difference between all injections

Avastin: since the injection gets divided amongst patients, cost id relatively less compared to others.

Accentrix/ Razumab: Since its
single use made for patient , cost is higher.

Since Razumab is made in India its cost is less than Accentrix.


What is the difference between Avastin/ Accentrix/ Razumab

The basic difference between
all is the basic molecule and how it is given.

Avastin injection although not
having approval for eye use has been used for many years with excellent
results. Since Avastin injection is not made for single use patients needs to
be grouped/ pooled together . Vial of avastin is then opened and then patients

Accentrix/Lucentis is made for single use so can be taken by patient as per his/her convenience.

Both Avastin and Accentrix are imported whereas
Razumab manufactured in India

What are types of eye injections

Currently the names of injection given in India are:

  • antiVEGF: Avastin/ Accentrix/Lucentis
  • Biosimilar: Razumab
  • VEGF trap: Eylea
  • Steroids: Intravitreal steroids/ steroid implant( Ozurdex)

How frequently should diabetics get their retina checked

  • Those with type I should be examined 5 years after onset and then every year
  • Those with type II should be examined at the time of diagnosis and then every year
  • Women with either type should have retinal exam before conception and then in the first trimester of their pregnancy